A Brief History Of Cadbury Chocolate
Cadbury chocolate has been an important part of Birmingham's heritage, from the first shop in 1824. Read on to delve into the history of Cadbury and the people who made the company what it is today. Humble Beginnings: 1824-1897
In 1824 John Cadbury opened his first shop at 93 Bull Street in Birmingham city centre, selling tea, coffee, cocoa and drinking chocolate. Drinking chocolate was seen as a better alternative to alcohol, which was seen as a social evil by other Quakers. In 1931 John bought a four-storey building in Crooked Lane, between Corporation Street and High Street. By 1842, John was selling almost 30 types of chocolate and cocoa. As John's business continued to grow, he asked his brother Benjamin for help at Cadbury and became known as Cadbury Brothers. The Cadbury brothers' business continued to prosper and in 1947, they moved to a larger factory in Bridge Street which had access to all the ports in Britain via a private jetty. Due to health problems, John Cadbury retired in 1861 and handed over the business to his other brothers, George and Richard.
After the company's original origins with Cadbury Cocoa, development in 1875 saw the first Cadbury Easter eggs. By 1897, the brothers had made their first milk chocolate bar.
1900 and the birth of Bournville
Looking for a site with good rail and canal access, the Cadbury brothers found a 14½ acre site in a beautiful village four miles south of the city. Buying the land and naming it Bournville, the site included Bournbrook Cottage, a stream and a pear tree - and the tree is still there today.
By 1900, George and Richard Cadbury had built their new factory and a "village" for their workers, with over 300 houses and nearby buildings, as well as amenities such as a school and supermarket. As the family were Quakers, no pub was built in Bournville. The sale of alcohol was still banned in the city until a local newspaper publisher obtained permission in 2015 and ended the city's 120-year ban. A significant event
In 1905 Cadbury first produced milkshakes, their most popular product ever. Other inventions included Bournville Cocoa (1906), Bournville Chocolate (1908), Milk Tray (1915) and Flake (1920), before advertising posters for Dairy Milk 카지노사이트 were removed in the late 1920s. Although not for dairy milk, Cadbury's first television commercial was in 1955 and since then Cadbury's television commercials have been some of the most popular in social media.
Although Cadbury is now owned by American confectionery giant Mondelez International, the Bournville area will remain at the heart of the business. To this day, Bournville remains a town in its early history. The factory remains attractive and many of the buildings and structures built in the late 1800s are still standing. The historic men's pavilion on the factory floor was also recently rebuilt.
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